



Kröber, E. 2024. Die Viel­falt Sulfat/Sulfit-re­duzi­er­ender Mik­roor­gan­is­men BIOSpektrum DOI:  10.1007/s12268-024-2103-3

Kröber, E. 2023. Ver­steckte Mitesser: chemo­syn­thet­ische Sym­bion­ten in schwe­fe­li­ger Umge­bung. BIOSpektrum DOI:  10.1007/s12268-023-1976-x


Kröber, E.*, Mankowski, A., Schäfer, H.* (2022) „Mi­croor­gan­isms as­so­ci­ated with Sporo­bolus anglicus, an
in­vas­ive di­methyl­sulf­oniop­ro­pi­on­ate pro­du­cing salt marsh plant, are an un­re­cog­nized sink for di­methyl­sulf­ide” Rising Stars in Terrestrial Microbiology: 2022 in Frontiers in Microbiology.DOI: 10.3389/fm­icb.2022.950460 *Cor­res­pond­ing Au­thor


Kröber, E., Ka­nukollu, S., Wende, S., Brin­gel, F., Kolb, S. (2022) “A pu­tat­ively new fam­ily of al­phapro­teo­bac­terial chloro­meth­ane de­graders from a de­cidu­ous forest soil re­vealed by stable iso­tope prob­ing and meta­ge­n­om­ics” Environmental Microbiome. DOI: 10.1186/s40793-022-00416-2


Kröber, E.*, Sonja Wende, Saranya Ka­nukollu, Car­oline Buchen-Tschiskale, Ludovic Be­saury, Frank Kep­pler, Stéphane Vuil­leu­mier, Stef­fen Kolb, Françoise Brin­gel* (2021) 13C-Chloro­meth­ane In­cub­a­tions provide evid­ence for novel bac­terial chloro­meth­ane de­graders in a liv­ing tree fern. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15638 *Cor­res­pond­ing Au­thor


Kröber, E.*, Cun­ning­ham, M. R., Peix­oto, J., Spur­gin, L., Wis­cher, D., Kruger, R., & Ku­maresan, D.* (2021). Com­par­at­ive ge­n­om­ics ana­lyses in­dic­ate dif­fer­en­tial methyl­ated amine util­iz­a­tion trait within mem­bers of the genus Gem­mob­ac­ter. Environmental Microbiology Reports. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12927 *Cor­res­pond­ing Au­thor


Kröber, E., and Schäfer, H. (2019) “Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of pro­teins and genes ex­pressed by Methylophaga thiooxydans dur­ing growth on di­methyl­sulf­ide and their pres­ence in other mem­bers of the genus.” Frontiers in Microbiology; DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2019.01132

Helen J Jones, Eileen Kröber*, Jason Steph­en­son, Mi­chaela Mausz, Eleanor Jameson, An­drew Mil­lard, Kevin J Purdy, Yin Chen* (2019) “A new fam­ily of un­cul­tiv­ated bac­teria in­volved in meth­ano­gen­esis from the ubi­quit­ous os­mo­lyte gly­cine be­taine in coastal salt­marsh sed­i­ments” Microbiome; DOI: 10.1186/s40168-019-0732-4 *Cor­res­pond­ing Au­thor

Eileen Kröber and Özge Eyice (2019) “Pro­fil­ing of Act­ive Mi­croor­gan­isms by Stable Iso­tope
Prob­ing-Meta­ge­n­om­ics” pub­lished in Stable Iso­tope Prob­ing: Meth­ods and Pro­to­cols in Spring­ers: Meth­ods in Mo­lecu­lar Bio­logy; DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-9721-3_12

Françoise Brin­gel, Ludovic Be­saury, Pierre Am­ato, Eileen Kröber, Stef­fen Kolb, Frank Kep­pler, Stéphane Vuil­leu­mier, Thi­erry Nad­a­lig (2019) “Methylo­trophs and methylo­troph pop­u­la­tions for chloro­meth­ane de­grad­a­tion” pub­lished in Cur­rent Is­sues in Mo­lecu­lar Bio­logy (Methylo­trophs and Methylo­troph Com­munit­ies); DOI:10.21775/9781912530045.08


Pau­line Chaignaud, Mareen Mor­awe, Ludovic Be­saury, Eileen Kröber, Stéphane Vuil­leu­mier, Françoise Brin­gel and Stef­fen Kolb (2018) “Meth­anol con­sump­tion drives the bac­terial chloro­meth­ane sink in a forest soil” ISME Journal; DOI:10.1038/s41396-018-0228-4


Sarah A Maarastawi, Kath­ar­ina Frindte, Geer Romy, Eileen Kröber, Claudia Knief (2018) “Tem­poral dy­nam­ics and com­part­ment spe­cific rice straw de­grad­a­tion in bulk soil and the rhizo­sphere of maize” Soil Biology and Biochemistry; DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.09.028


Nicole Jäger, Ludovic Be­saury, Eileen Kröber, Anne-Marie De­lort, Markus Greule, Kath­ar­ina Len­hart, Thi­erry Nad­a­lig, Stéphane Vuil­leu­mier, Pierre Am­ato, Stef­fen Kolb, Françoise Brin­gel, and Frank Kep­pler (2018) “Chloro­meth­ane De­grad­a­tion in Soils: A Com­bined Mi­cro­bial and Two-Di­men­sional Stable Iso­tope Ap­proach” Journal of Environmental Quality; DOI:10.2134/jeq2017.09.0358


Mareen Mor­awe, Hen­rike Hoeke, Dirk Wis­sen­bach, Guil­laume Len­tendu, Tes­faye Wubet, Eileen Kröber, Stef­fen Kolb (2017) “Acido­tol­er­ant Bac­teria and fungi as a sink of meth­anol-de­rived car­bon in a de­cidu­ous forest soil.” Frontiers in Microbiology; DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01361


Lid­bury*, I.D. and Kröber*, E., Zhu, Y., Chen, Y., Schäfer, H. (2016) “A mech­an­ism for bac­terial trans­form­a­tions of DMS to DMSO: a miss­ing link in the mar­ine or­ganic sul­fur cycle.” Environmental Microbiology; DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13354 *These au­thors con­trib­uted equally to this study


Wink­ler, M.-K.H., Kröber, E., Mohn, W.M., Koch, F., Fri­gon, D. (2016) “Com­par­ison of mi­cro­bial pop­u­la­tions and foam­ing dy­nam­ics in con­ven­tional versus mem­brane en­hanced bio­lo­gical phos­phor­ous re­moval sys­tems.” Water and Environment Journal; DOI: 10.1111/wej.12164

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